SS 2025 WS 2024
SS 2024
SS 2023 WS 2023
Department of Chemistry
open physics
KVL / Klausuren / MAP 1st HS: 15.04  2nd HS: 03.06 22.07  begin WS: 13.10

4020240078 Statistical Physics      VVZ  

Wed 9-11
weekly NEW 14 1'02 (60) Kurt Busch
Fri 11-13
weekly NEW 14 0'05 (103)
Mon 9-11
weekly ZGW 2 1.021 (36) Francesco Intravaia


classroom language
The students can systematize the principles and the theoretical description of statistical physics and are able to apply them to solve relevant problems.
Knowledge of thermodynamics, mechanics, and quantum mechanics
structure / topics / contents
0. Introduction
1. Principles of thermodynamics and quantum mechanics
2. Basic notions of statistical physics (pure and mixed states; entropy and probability theory; ensembles; connection to thermodynamics)
3. Ideal systems (spin systems; Boltzmann, Bose and Fermi gases; Exampls)
4. Principles of statistical physics (Density matrix; thermodynamic equilibrium; perturbation theory; variational techniques; quantum corrections to classical statistical physics)
5. Real systems in thermodynamic equilibrium and phase transitions (spin models with interactions; order parameter; Mean field theory; Ginzburg-Landau theory)
6. Thermodynamic systems in non-equilibrium (Linear response theory; Causality and structure of response functions; FLuctuation-dissipation theorem)
assigned modules
UeWP P21 Pe21
amount, credit points; Exam / major course assessment
6 SWS, 8 SP/ECTS (Arbeitsanteil im Modul für diese Lehrveranstaltung, nicht verbindlich)
Written exam.
Kurt Busch, NEW 15, 3'208,
F. Schwabl. Statistische Mechanik. Springer
T. Fliessbach. Statistische Physik: Lehrbuch zur Theoretischen Physik IV. Springer
W. Nolting. Grundkurs Theoretische Physik, Band 6 Statistische Physik. Springer
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