SS 2025 WS 2024
SS 2024
SS 2023 WS 2023
Department of Chemistry
open physics
KVL / Klausuren / MAP 1st HS: 15.04  2nd HS: 03.06 22.07  begin WS: 13.10

4020240160 Neural Noise and Neural Signals      VVZ  

Wed 11-13
weekly NEW 15 3'101 (24) Benjamin Lindner
Mon 13-15
weekly NEW 15 2'101 (24) Benjamin Lindner


classroom language
Mastering theoretical methods to describe the stochastic activity and signal transmission in/by neurons
Interest in interdisciplinary research and theoretical approaches using stochastic models in neuroscience
structure / topics / contents
Key concepts from nonlinear dynamics (bifurcations, fixed points, manifolds, limit cycle), stochastic processes (Langevin and Fokker-Planck equations, Master equation, linear response theory), information theory (mutual information and its lower and upper bounds), point processes (Poisson process; renewal vs. nonrenewal point process). Neural noise sources and how they enter different neuron models, the diffusion approximation of synaptic input or channel fluctuations by a Gaussian noise, measures of spike train and interval variability and their interrelation, Poisson spike train: entropy & information content, one-dimensional stochastic integrate-and-fire (IF) neurons: spontaneous activity, response to weak stimuli & information transfer, different forms of stochastic resonance in single neurons and neuronal populations, multidimensional IF models: subthreshold resonances, synaptic filtering & spike-frequency adaptation, effect of nonrenewal behavior of the spontaneous activity on the information transfer, outlook: stimulus-driven correlations; networks of stochastic neurons.
assigned modules
amount, credit points; Exam / major course assessment
4 SWS, 6 SP/ECTS (Arbeitsanteil im Modul für diese Lehrveranstaltung, nicht verbindlich)
Oral exam
1) The lecture takes place in the lecture hall of the Bernstein Center Berlin
(Philippstr. 13, house 6) in Mitte [this lecture hall is not shown in the above list]

2) The tutorial for the course takes place in the seminar room of the Bernstein Center Berlin
(Philippstr. 13, house 6) in Mitte [also this room is not shown in the above list]
Prof. Lindner (In Adlershof: NEW 15, 3.412 and [in Mitte] Philippstr. 13, Haus 2, office 1.17)
Moodle link:
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