SS 2025 WS 2024
SS 2024
SS 2023 WS 2023
Department of Chemistry
open physics
KVL / Klausuren / MAP 1st HS: 15.04  2nd HS: 03.06 22.07  begin WS: 13.10

4020240177 Analysis Techniques in Astrophysics and Gravitational Wave Astronomy      VVZ  

Mon 13-15
weekly NEW 14 1'13 (24) Jakob Nordin
Wed 12-13
weekly NEW 14 1'10 (16) Jakob Nordin


classroom language
Students will learn how to process and evaluate the data provided by modern astronomical observatories.

Besides providing a general understanding of modern observational astrophysics, the course will teach analytical methods applicable to a wide range of data types.
Courses in statistical methods, cosmology and/or astronomy are beneficial but not required.

Note: this course will be given jointly with the course in Astroparticle physics. Contact the lecturer for details.
structure / topics / contents
Observations of astronomical objects currently provide some of the most precise constraints of physical laws. This includes phenomena such as dark energy and dark matter, which only come to dominate on the scales of galaxies. Astrophysics has currently entered the era of multi-messenger astronomy, where observations made across the electromagnetic spectrum are combined with detections of cosmic rays and neutrinos. The latest addition to the toolbox is the measurement of the gravitational waves that are created when compact objects merge.

This course will introduce the analysis techniques needed to understand the basic measurements made by astronomical detectors, and how to convert these into measurements of physical properties. A particular focus will be given to the novel gravitational wave detectors, as well as how to combine multi-messenger observations.

Course key words:
* What is a measurement? Detection, uncertainty and selection bias.
* Electromagnetic telescopes: Optical, Gamma-ray (X-ray), IR
* Neutrinos (and cosmic rays)
* Gravitational wave sources and detectors
* How to combine data into multi-messenger astronomy
assigned modules
amount, credit points; Exam / major course assessment
3 SWS, 6 SP/ECTS (Arbeitsanteil im Modul für diese Lehrveranstaltung, nicht verbindlich)
Jakob Nordin
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