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Humboldt Universitaet zu Berlin
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Department of Chemistry
auf deutsch
summer sem. 2024
Last update: 15.11.24 17:46:24
Abbenseth, Josh
Abou-Ras, Daniel
Adelhelm, Philipp
Ahrens, Mike
Amadeu, Nader
Amsalem, Patrick
Arenz, Christoph
Artico, Daniele
Bahmani, Ms.
Bai, Changjiang
Balasubramanian, Kannan
Baller, Johannes
Barrera, Jannis
Baverez, Guillaume
Benson, Oliver
Berge, David
Bering, Lisa
Beverungen, Bettina
Bischoff, Florian
Bliesener, Lilly
Blumstengel, Sylke
Boczianowski, Franz
Borel, Julie
Braun, Thomas
Bui, Minh
Busch, Kurt
Bär, Oliver
Börner, Hans
Chiatti, Olivio
Christen, Wolfgang
Chroszczinsky, Sophia
Cula, Beatrice
Dallmann, Andre
Dictus-Christoph, Christian
Draxl, Claudia
Düzel, Birkan
Emmerling, Franziska
Engel-Herbert, Roman
Exner, Moritz
Fairman, Sam
Falcke, Martin
Fasselt, Lucian
Ferreira Russo, Patrícia Alexandra
Fischer, Saskia
Forini, Valentina
Geisler, Jonas
Gierster, Lukas
Gokhale, Alok
Green, Jeremy
Gregoriev, Georgi
Grote, Linus Paul
Gröger, Dominic
Gründer, Marit
Haas, Benedikt
Hackbarth, Steffen
Haddad, Kays
Hatami, Fariba
Healy Coromina, Roman
Hecht, Stefan
Heeg, Sebastian
Heine, Maya
Heiner, Zsuzsanna
Hermerschmidt, Felix
Herwig, Christian
Hohm, Olaf
Hübers, Heinz-Wilhelm
Intravaia, Francesco
Issever, Cigdem
Jakobsen, Gustav Uhre
Janowitz, Christoph
John, Harald
Jungnickel, Robert
Jäger, Ruben
Kamps, Thorsten
Karg, Matthias
Karpov, Valerii
Kathan, Michael
Kewes, Günter
Kirmse, Holm
Kirstein, Stefan
Kitzmann, Marc
Klose, Thomas
Kneipp, Janina
Knoll, Andrea
Kobin, Björn
Koch, Christoph
Koch, Norbert
Kohlberger, Daniel
Kok, Karel
Kovalchuk, Evgeny
Kowalski, Marek
Krutzik, Markus Christopher
Kuhl, Thorsten
Kumar, Archana
Kurlov, Sergii
Laatsch, Felix
Lacker, Heiko
Leder, Björn
Leitgeb, Clara
Ligorio, Giovanni
Limberg, Christian
Lindner, Benjamin
List-Kratochvil, Emil
Lubeck, Sven
Maier, Andreas
Malek, Emanuel
Marquard, Peter
Masselink, William Ted
Maurer, Benedikt
Maut, Christoph
Mayer, Stephen
Mogilatenko, Anna
Müller, Johannes
Müller, Mahni
Müller, Olaf
Müller-Stähler, Anne Julia
Nerl, Hannah Catherine
Nordin, Jakob
Opitz, Andreas
Ortega Ortega, Angela
Palato, Samuel
Pani, Priscilla
Panne, Ulrich
Pape, Erich Günter Leo
Parsons, Dan
Patella, Agostino
Pavone, Pasquale
Pennetta, Riccardo
Peters, Achim
Pinna, Nicola
Plefka, Jan
Priemer, Burkhard
Pryjomska-Ray, Iweta
Puhle, Christof
Pätzel, Michael
Rabe, Jürgen
Ramelow, Sven
Rauschenbeutel, Arno
Ray, Kallol
Richter, Liza
Rigamonti, Santiago
Römelt, Michael
Saenz, Alejandro
Scharf, Christian
Scheurell, Kerstin
Schmidbauer, Martin
Schmidt, Franz
Schmidt, Ralf
Schneeweiß, Philipp
Schneider, Gerd
Schröder, Thomas
Schröder, Tim
Schwanke, Ullrich
Schwedland, Winni
Schwendke, Philipp
Sefkow, Michael
Seitz, Oliver
Severin, Nikolai
Sokolov, Igor
Spedalieri, Cecilia
Staudacher, Matthias
Steinhoff, Jan
Steinmeyer, Günter
Stepien, Dominik
Suchodoll, David
Tebbenjohanns, Felix
Tiemann, Rüdiger
Tzatza, Charikleia
Usvyat, Denis
Uwer, Peter
Volmer, Dietrich
Volz, Jürgen
Wachta, Isabell
Wagner, Steffen
Wang, Hui
Weber, Hannsjörg
Weber, Johannes
Weißer, Kilian
Wessel, Niels
Windeck, Henning
Worm, Steven
Yang, Mao
Ying, Yico
Zehl, Andrea
Zhang, Xiang
der Physik, ProfessorInnen
n., n.
Department of Chemistry
open physics
timetable of teachers
1st HS:
2nd HS:
begin WS:
Philipp Schneeweiß
C Nr.
module nr.
module name
course title
degree programme
Cred. h.
4020240181 PR
Steffen Hackbarth
Fariba Hatami
Stefan Kirstein
Nikolai Severin
Ms. Bahmani
Olivio Chiatti
Holm Kirmse
Sylke Blumstengel
Philipp Schneeweiß
Jürgen Volz
William Ted Masselink
Benedikt Haas
Patrick Amsalem
Pasquale Pavone
Advanced Physics Laboratory I
nV or digital
4.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
5.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
4020240182 PR
[P8b,P22.f,IMP FWB]
Steffen Hackbarth
Fariba Hatami
Stefan Kirstein
Nikolai Severin
Ms. Bahmani
Olivio Chiatti
Holm Kirmse
Sylke Blumstengel
Jürgen Volz
William Ted Masselink
Benedikt Haas
Philipp Schneeweiß
Georgi Gregoriev
Patrick Amsalem
Pasquale Pavone
Advanced Physics Laboratory
nV or digital
4.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
5.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
6.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
7.FS IMP | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2019
4020240184 PR
Steffen Hackbarth
Fariba Hatami
Stefan Kirstein
Nikolai Severin
Ms. Bahmani
Dan Parsons
Olivio Chiatti
Holm Kirmse
Sylke Blumstengel
Philipp Schneeweiß
Jürgen Volz
William Ted Masselink
Benedikt Haas
Pasquale Pavone
Advanced Physics Laboratory KM
nV or digital
2.FS Phy | M.Ed.(BS)-2F | LA-O | PO2018
2.FS Phy | M.Ed.(GYM)-1F | LA-O | PO2018
2.FS Phy | M.Ed.(GYM)-2F | LA-O | PO2018
2.FS Phy | M.Ed.(ISS)-1F | LA-O | PO2018
2.FS Phy | M.Ed.(ISS)-2F | LA-O | PO2018
4020240181 PR
Steffen Hackbarth
Fariba Hatami
Stefan Kirstein
Nikolai Severin
Ms. Bahmani
Olivio Chiatti
Holm Kirmse
Sylke Blumstengel
Philipp Schneeweiß
Jürgen Volz
William Ted Masselink
Benedikt Haas
Patrick Amsalem
Pasquale Pavone
Advanced Physics Laboratory I
nV or digital
4.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
5.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
4020240182 PR
[P8b,P22.f,IMP FWB]
Steffen Hackbarth
Fariba Hatami
Stefan Kirstein
Nikolai Severin
Ms. Bahmani
Olivio Chiatti
Holm Kirmse
Sylke Blumstengel
Jürgen Volz
William Ted Masselink
Benedikt Haas
Philipp Schneeweiß
Georgi Gregoriev
Patrick Amsalem
Pasquale Pavone
Advanced Physics Laboratory
nV or digital
4.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
5.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
6.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
7.FS IMP | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2019
4020240184 PR
Steffen Hackbarth
Fariba Hatami
Stefan Kirstein
Nikolai Severin
Ms. Bahmani
Dan Parsons
Olivio Chiatti
Holm Kirmse
Sylke Blumstengel
Philipp Schneeweiß
Jürgen Volz
William Ted Masselink
Benedikt Haas
Pasquale Pavone
Advanced Physics Laboratory KM
nV or digital
2.FS Phy | M.Ed.(BS)-2F | LA-O | PO2018
2.FS Phy | M.Ed.(GYM)-1F | LA-O | PO2018
2.FS Phy | M.Ed.(GYM)-2F | LA-O | PO2018
2.FS Phy | M.Ed.(ISS)-1F | LA-O | PO2018
2.FS Phy | M.Ed.(ISS)-2F | LA-O | PO2018
4020240154 UE
Philipp Schneeweiß
MB9 Physics 1 (BBIo, BioPh1 Mechanik)
NEW 14 1'02
2.FS Bio | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2021
4020240090 UE
Philipp Schneeweiß
Atomic and molecular physics
NEW 14 1'11
6.FS Phy | B.Sc.-KF | LA-O | PO2018
2.FS Phy | M.Ed.(BS)-2F | LA-O | PO2018
2.FS Phy | M.Ed.(GYM)-2F | LA-O | PO2018
2.FS Phy | M.Ed.(ICourse)-2F | LA-O | PO2018
2.FS Phy | M.Ed.(ISS)-2F | LA-O | PO2018
4020240089 SE
Oliver Benson
Kurt Busch
Achim Peters
Alejandro Saenz
Sven Ramelow
Francesco Intravaia
Markus Krutzik
Jürgen Volz
Philipp Schneeweiß
Optics / Photonics: Project and Seminar
nV or digital
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020240118 PR
Daniel Kohlberger
Ullrich Schwanke
Patrick Amsalem
Philipp Schneeweiß
Mahni Müller
Jürgen Volz
Birkan Düzel
Linus Paul Grote
Daniel Kohlberger
Benedikt Maurer
Riccardo Pennetta
Physics Basic Laboratory I
NEW 14 2'04
2.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
3.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
4020240181 PR
Steffen Hackbarth
Fariba Hatami
Stefan Kirstein
Nikolai Severin
Ms. Bahmani
Olivio Chiatti
Holm Kirmse
Sylke Blumstengel
Philipp Schneeweiß
Jürgen Volz
William Ted Masselink
Benedikt Haas
Patrick Amsalem
Pasquale Pavone
Advanced Physics Laboratory I
nV or digital
4.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
5.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
4020240182 PR
[P8b,P22.f,IMP FWB]
Steffen Hackbarth
Fariba Hatami
Stefan Kirstein
Nikolai Severin
Ms. Bahmani
Olivio Chiatti
Holm Kirmse
Sylke Blumstengel
Jürgen Volz
William Ted Masselink
Benedikt Haas
Philipp Schneeweiß
Georgi Gregoriev
Patrick Amsalem
Pasquale Pavone
Advanced Physics Laboratory
nV or digital
4.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
5.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
6.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
7.FS IMP | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2019
4020240184 PR
Steffen Hackbarth
Fariba Hatami
Stefan Kirstein
Nikolai Severin
Ms. Bahmani
Dan Parsons
Olivio Chiatti
Holm Kirmse
Sylke Blumstengel
Philipp Schneeweiß
Jürgen Volz
William Ted Masselink
Benedikt Haas
Pasquale Pavone
Advanced Physics Laboratory KM
nV or digital
2.FS Phy | M.Ed.(BS)-2F | LA-O | PO2018
2.FS Phy | M.Ed.(GYM)-1F | LA-O | PO2018
2.FS Phy | M.Ed.(GYM)-2F | LA-O | PO2018
2.FS Phy | M.Ed.(ISS)-1F | LA-O | PO2018
2.FS Phy | M.Ed.(ISS)-2F | LA-O | PO2018
4020240154 UE
Philipp Schneeweiß
MB9 Physics 1 (BBIo, BioPh1 Mechanik)
NEW 14 0'06
2.FS Bio | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2021
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© IRZ Physik, Version 2019.1.1 vom 24.09.2019