Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Department of Physics auf deutsch

Veranstaltungen mit geplanten Räumen finden i.a. in Präsenz statt.
Digitale Angebote sind optional.

winter sem. 2021
Last update: 21.11.24 11:11:10

WS 2022 SS 2022
WS 2021
WS 2020 SS 2021
Department of Physics
open chemistry
KVL / Klausuren / MAP 1st HS: 18.10  2nd HS: 13.12  sem.br.: 21.02  begin SS: 17.04

4020215166 Dynamical systems: Nonlinear Dynamics      VVZ  

Wed 13-15
weekly NEW 15 2'101 (24) Michael Zaks
Wed 15-17
weekly nV or digital (0) Michael Zaks

Digital- & Präsenz-basierter Kurs

classroom language
The course is concepted as an introduction into the problematics, ideas and methods of the modern nonlinear dynamics. The underlying mathematical formalism will be illustrated by examples from applications: fluid dynamics, neuroscience, populational dynamics. The students will learn how to determine the stability of steady and oscillatory states, and how to deal with chaotic behavior. The acquired knowledge can be later applied to various fields of the modern natural science.
BA in physics
structure / topics / contents
* Dynamical systems: discrete and continuous, dissipative and Hamiltonian.
* Various definitions of stability and their physical meaning.
* Local bifurcations of equilibria and periodic solutions. Poincare-mapping. Global bifurcations.
* Bifurcational scenarios and universal transitions to chaos.
* Chaotic attractors and their fractal properties.
* Lyapunov exponents
* Introduction into the KAM-theory and the Hamiltonian chaos.
* Examples from fluid mechanics, population models
(ecology), neurodynamics.
assigned modules
amount, credit points; Exam / major course assessment
4 SWS, 6 SP/ECTS (Arbeitsanteil im Modul für diese Lehrveranstaltung, nicht verbindlich)
Oral exam
PD Dr. Michael Zaks (3'410)
Argyris, Faust, Haase, Friedrich. Die Erforschung des Chaos. Springer
Glendinning. Stability, Instability and Chaos. Cambridge University Press
Ott. Chaos in Dynamical Systems. Cambridge University Press
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