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Humboldt Universitaet zu Berlin
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Department of Chemistry
auf deutsch
winter sem. 2022
Last update: 21.11.24 11:11:39
Department of Chemistry
open physics
KVL / Klausuren / MAP
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2020225000 Kolloquium des Instituts f. Chemie
2020225002 Analytical Chemistry
2020225003 Fundamentals of Physics
2020225004 Physical Chemistry of Materials
2020225006 Structure chemistry / Spectroscopy
2020225008 General and Inorganic Chemistry (AAC)
2020225009 Mass Spectrometry
2020225010 Group Seminar Bioanalytical Chemistrey
2020225011 Instrumental Analytical Chemistry
2020225011 Instrumental Analytical Chemistry
2020225012 Selected Topics in modern Analytical Sciences: Bioanalytical Chemistry
2020225013 Seminar Bioanalytical Chemistry (Volmer)
2020225013 Seminar Bioanalytical Chemistry (Volmer)
2020225013 Seminar Bioanalytical Chemistry (Volmer)
2020225014 Physical Organic Chemistry
2020225015 Mathematics I
2020225016 Analytisch - chemisches Grundpraktikum - Arbeitstechniken der nasschemischen Analytik
2020225017 Analytisch - chemisches Grundpraktikum - Grundpraktikum Analytische Chemie
2020225018 Biochemistry
2020225019 Scientifc Working - Bachelor Thesis Seminar
2020225020 Chemical thermodynamics II
2020225020 Chemical thermodynamics II
2020225021 Chemical thermodynamics I
2020225021 Chemical thermodynamics I
2020225022 Ultrafast dynamics in condensed matter (Stähler group)
2020225022 Ultrafast dynamics in condensed matter (Stähler group)
2020225023 Maths for natural sciences
2020225031 Mathematics for Chemists
2020225032 Chemical Bonding
2020225033 Molecular Modelling
2020225034 Quantum Chemistry
2020225035 Antibodies - Production, Bioconjugation and Analysis
2020225035 Antibodies - Production, Bioconjugation and Analysis
2020225036 Research Project
2020225037 Advanced Practical Chemical Synthesis : Specialization in Inorganic Chem-istry (Lab)
2020225038 Advanced Practical Chemical Synthesis – Specialization in Organic Chemis-try (Lab)
2020225040 Basic Principles of Chemistry (GRU1/ALL)
2020225040 Basic Principles of Chemistry (GRU1/ALL)
2020225040 Basic Principles of Chemistry (GRU1/ALL)
2020225041 Advanced Inorganic Practicum
2020225042 Lab Course Advanced Organic Chemistry
2020225043 Advanced Organic Synthesis
2020225043 Advanced Organic Synthesis
2020225044 Recent examples from synthetic inorganic chemistry
2020225045 Bioorganic Chemistry and Chemistry of Natural Products
2020225046 Grundlegende Reaktionen der organischen Chemie
2020225047 Grundlegende Methoden der organischen Chemie
2020225048 Chemistry of Main Group Elements
2020225048 Chemistry of Main Group Elements
2020225048 Chemistry of Main Group Elements
2020225080 s- and p-Block Elements
2020225080 s- and p-Block Elements
2020225080 s- and p-Block Elements
2020225084 Analyse von Peptiden und Proteinen: Anwendungen aus Pharmakologie und Toxikologie
2020225084 Analyse von Peptiden und Proteinen: Anwendungen aus Pharmakologie und Toxikologie
2020225088 Vibrational Spectroscopy
2020225089 Lab Course on Advanced Analytical Chemistry
2020225091 Selected Methods of Instrumental Analysis : Electroanalytical Chemistry
2020225097 Activation of small molecules (Limberg)
2020225097 Activation of small molecules (Limberg)
2020225097 Activation of small molecules (Limberg)
2020225098 General Laboratory Techniques
2020225098 General Laboratory Techniques
2020225099 Inorganic chemistry laboratory for beginners
2020225099 Inorganic chemistry laboratory for beginners
2020225101 Seminar
2020225102 Fachdidaktik und Lehr-/Lernforschung Chemie (FLC)
2020225103 Chemie-Begleitseminar zum Praxissemester
2020225103 Chemie-Begleitseminar zum Praxissemester
2020225104 Einführung in die fachlichen Grundlagen Chemie
2020225104 Einführung in die fachlichen Grundlagen Chemie
2020225106 Einführung in die Organische Chemie (GRU1/OC)
2020225106 Einführung in die Organische Chemie (GRU1/OC)
2020225107 Organic Chemistry - Structure and Reactivity
2020225107 Organic Chemistry - Structure and Reactivity
2020225109 Chemistry of Main Group Elements
2020225110 catalysis and organometallic chemistry
2020225110 catalysis and organometallic chemistry
2020225110 catalysis and organometallic chemistry
2020225112 Biological metabolism
2020225113 Organische Chemie der Materialien
2020225114 Solid State Chemistry
2020225115 Funktionale Materialien (AK Pinna)
2020225115 Funktionale Materialien (AK Pinna)
2020225117 Chemical kinetics and spectroscopy
2020225118 Physical Chemistry
2020225119 Physical Chemistry- Seminar and Laboratory Class
2020225120 Current topics in optical nanospectroscopy (Kneipp group)
2020225120 Current topics in optical nanospectroscopy (Kneipp group)
2020225120 Current topics in optical nanospectroscopy (Kneipp group)
2020225120 Current topics in optical nanospectroscopy (Kneipp group)
2020225124 Electrochemistry
2020225125 Seminar über ausgewählte Themen der Theoretischen Chemie
2020225126 Introduction in numerical quantum chemistry
2020225127 Practical Physical Chemistry (Lab) - Part 1: Thermodynamics
2020225127 Practical Physical Chemistry (Lab) - Part 1: Thermodynamics
2020225128 Practical course in physical chemistry
2020225129 Kombi-Modul FW
2020225134 Catalysis, spectroscopy and reactive intermediates
2020225134 Catalysis, spectroscopy and reactive intermediates
2020225134 Catalysis, spectroscopy and reactive intermediates
2020225135 Kinetics and Thermodynamics of electrode reactions
2020225135 Kinetics and Thermodynamics of electrode reactions
2020225135 Kinetics and Thermodynamics of electrode reactions
2020225136 Materials and fundamentals of lithium-ion batteries
2020225138 Molecular Clusters and Nanoparticles
2020225138 Molecular Clusters and Nanoparticles
2020225191 The Chemistry of Solar Cells
2020225192 Phasendiagramme
2020225195 Bioorganic Synthesis/Chemical Biology
2020225195 Bioorganic Synthesis/Chemical Biology
2020225196 Ausgewählte Kapitel der Chemischen Biologie
2020225196 Ausgewählte Kapitel der Chemischen Biologie
2020225197 Herausforderungen in der Organischen Materialchemie
2020225197 Herausforderungen in der Organischen Materialchemie
2020225197 Herausforderungen in der Organischen Materialchemie
2020225201 Testveranstaltung
4020225000 Colloquium of department of physics
4020225001 Non-Hermitian Photonics
4020225001 Non-Hermitian Photonics
4020225001 Non-Hermitian Photonics
4020225002 General Relativity Theory
4020225005 Farbication of hybrid devices
4020225005 Farbication of hybrid devices
4020225024 Basics of modern electronic materials
4020225025 Advanced expriments under ultrahigh vacuum
4020225025 Advanced expriments under ultrahigh vacuum
4020225025 Advanced expriments under ultrahigh vacuum
4020225025 Advanced expriments under ultrahigh vacuum
4020225026 Surface Science: Principles and Applications
4020225026 Surface Science: Principles and Applications
4020225026 Surface Science: Principles and Applications
4020225027 Compact course "Experiments with Synchrotron Radiation - Photon School"
4020225028 Electronic properties of modern semiconductors
4020225028 Electronic properties of modern semiconductors
4020225049 Mathematical tools for a physicist
4020225050 Physics I: Mechanics and Thermodynamics
4020225051 Physik III Optics
4020225052 Theoretical Physics II Electrodynamics
4020225052 Theoretical Physics II Electrodynamics
4020225052 Theoretical Physics II Electrodynamics
4020225052 Theoretical Physics II Electrodynamics
4020225053 Theoretical Physics IV Advanced Quantum Theory
4020225053 Theoretical Physics IV Advanced Quantum Theory
4020225053 Theoretical Physics IV Advanced Quantum Theory
4020225054 Linear Algebra
4020225055 Introduction to Solid State Physics
4020225056 Introduction to Nuclear and Particle Physics
4020225058 Experimental Physics: Mechanics/Thermodynamics
4020225058 Experimental Physics: Mechanics/Thermodynamics
4020225058 Experimental Physics: Mechanics/Thermodynamics
4020225058 Experimental Physics: Mechanics/Thermodynamics
4020225059 Experimental Physics III
4020225059 Experimental Physics III
4020225059 Experimental Physics III
4020225060 Mathematical Basics KB
4020225061 Classical Theoretical Physics
4020225062 Nuclear and Particle Physics
4020225062 Nuclear and Particle Physics
4020225063 Presenting physics experiments
4020225064 Introduction to Physics Education, Part 2
4020225065 Statistical Physics
4020225066 Computational Physics II
4020225067 Introduction to Quantum Field Theory
4020225068 Introduction into particle physics
4020225068 Introduction into particle physics
4020225068 Introduction into particle physics
4020225069 Solid State Theory
4020225069 Solid State Theory
4020225070 Laser Physics
4020225070 Laser Physics
4020225071 Fundamentals of Optical Sciences
4020225072 Introduction to Macromolecular Physics
4020225072 Introduction to Macromolecular Physics
4020225073 Polymer Characterisation
4020225074 Polymer Characterisation Lab
4020225075 Selected topics in physics classrooms
4020225076 Practical training in schools
4020225076 Practical training in schools
4020225077 Physics for students of chemistry I - Mechanics
4020225077 Physics for students of chemistry I - Mechanics
4020225078 Grundlagen der Physik für Agrar- und Gartenbauwissenschaften
4020225079 Introduction to Physics Education
4020225079 Introduction to Physics Education
4020225081 Advanced Physics Laboratory I
4020225083 Physics Basic Lab II: Electricity and Optics
4020225090 Nonlinear Optics
4020225090 Nonlinear Optics
4020225090 Nonlinear Optics
4020225092 Physics and Technology of modern Particle Accelerators
4020225093 From the largest to the smallest: The dark Universe & particle physics
4020225094 Research Seminar (POETS): Experimental Particle Physics
4020225094 Research Seminar (POETS): Experimental Particle Physics
4020225095 Search for long-lived particles with ATLAS (H. Lacker)
4020225095 Search for long-lived particles with ATLAS (H. Lacker)
4020225096 Reasearch seminar: Physics with the SND@LHC and SHiP experiments
4020225096 Reasearch seminar: Physics with the SND@LHC and SHiP experiments
4020225100 Research seminar: On top of Dark Matter
4020225100 Research seminar: On top of Dark Matter
4020225105 Practical Course in Electron Microscopy - Basics and Application
4020225105 Practical Course in Electron Microscopy - Basics and Application
4020225105 Practical Course in Electron Microscopy - Basics and Application
4020225108 X-Ray Scattering: Basics and Applications in Materials Science
4020225108 X-Ray Scattering: Basics and Applications in Materials Science
4020225111 Optics / Photonics: Project and Seminar
4020225111 Optics / Photonics: Project and Seminar
4020225121 Optical Sciences Laboratory
4020225122 Advanced topics of computational solid-state theory (C.Draxl)
4020225122 Advanced topics of computational solid-state theory (C.Draxl)
4020225122 Advanced topics of computational solid-state theory (C.Draxl)
4020225123 Selected problems of condensed-matter theory (C. Draxl)
4020225123 Selected problems of condensed-matter theory (C. Draxl)
4020225123 Selected problems of condensed-matter theory (C. Draxl)
4020225130 Special Topics in Polymer Physics
4020225131 Research seminar on macromolecular physics
4020225131 Research seminar on macromolecular physics
4020225132 Research Seminar Theoretical Photonics
4020225132 Research Seminar Theoretical Photonics
4020225132 Research Seminar Theoretical Photonics
4020225132 Research Seminar Theoretical Photonics
4020225133 Research Seminar on the numerical analysis of Maxwell Equations
4020225133 Research Seminar on the numerical analysis of Maxwell Equations
4020225133 Research Seminar on the numerical analysis of Maxwell Equations
4020225133 Research Seminar on the numerical analysis of Maxwell Equations
4020225137 Joint theory seminar: DESY Zeuthen and pheno group HU Berlin
4020225137 Joint theory seminar: DESY Zeuthen and pheno group HU Berlin
4020225140 Analysis III
4020225141 Gravitational Waves
4020225141 Gravitational Waves
4020225142 Basics and methods of modern crystal growth
4020225143 Fields and Strings Seminar
4020225143 Fields and Strings Seminar
4020225144 Quantum Field Theory and Mathematical Physics Seminar
4020225144 Quantum Field Theory and Mathematical Physics Seminar
4020225145 Mathematical Models of Photonics (U. Bandelow)
4020225145 Mathematical Models of Photonics (U. Bandelow)
4020225145 Mathematical Models of Photonics (U. Bandelow)
4020225145 Mathematical Models of Photonics (U. Bandelow)
4020225145 Mathematical Models of Photonics (U. Bandelow)
4020225146 Cardiovascular Physics
4020225146 Cardiovascular Physics
4020225147 Journal Club Cardiovascular Physics
4020225147 Journal Club Cardiovascular Physics
4020225148 Computational Biosignal Analysis I - Introduction to Signal Analysis and Applied Statistics
4020225149 Current Topics in Excitations in Solids
4020225149 Current Topics in Excitations in Solids
4020225150 Electron-phonon coupling in computational materials science
4020225150 Electron-phonon coupling in computational materials science
4020225151 Numerical approaches for 2D materials
4020225151 Numerical approaches for 2D materials
4020225152 Adv. code development in comp. mat. science (Fortran)
4020225152 Adv. code development in comp. mat. science (Fortran)
4020225153 Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in Materials Science
4020225153 Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in Materials Science
4020225154 Nano-Optics (O. Benson) - Advanced Optica Science Lab.
4020225154 Nano-Optics (O. Benson) - Advanced Optica Science Lab.
4020225155 Nano-Optics (O. Benson) - Introduction into Ind. Sci. Research
4020225155 Nano-Optics (O. Benson) - Introduction into Ind. Sci. Research
4020225156 Dynamical systems: Nonlinear Dynamics
4020225157 Electronics (WiSe 22)
4020225157 Electronics (WiSe 22)
4020225157 Electronics (WiSe 22)
4020225158 Experiments with synchrotron radiation
4020225159 Lattice Field Theory: HU-DESY joint seminar
4020225159 Lattice Field Theory: HU-DESY joint seminar
4020225160 Lattice Field Theory: group seminar and journal club
4020225160 Lattice Field Theory: group seminar and journal club
4020225161 Introduction to the Physics Laboratory
4020225162 Introductory Physics Laboratory
4020225163 Experimental Physics II only for Students of Chemistry (KB) - Laboratory
4020225163 Experimental Physics II only for Students of Chemistry (KB) - Laboratory
4020225164 P/GP Introductory Physics Laboratory
4020225165 Introduction to String Theory
4020225167 Mathematics: Analysis I
4020225168 Advances in Semiconductor Nanostructure Hetrostructures
4020225168 Advances in Semiconductor Nanostructure Hetrostructures
4020225169 Physics of Semiconductors
4020225169 Physics of Semiconductors
4020225170 Material science of semiconductors
4020225170 Material science of semiconductors
4020225171 Novel low-dimensional systems
4020225172 MB14 Physics 2 for students of biology (BBio, BioPH2) Laboratory
4020225172 MB14 Physics 2 for students of biology (BBio, BioPH2) Laboratory
4020225173 Introduction to Machine Learning for Physicist
4020225173 Introduction to Machine Learning for Physicist
4020225174 Advanced Physics Laboratory
4020225174 Advanced Physics Laboratory
4020225175 Photobiophysics
4020225175 Photobiophysics
4020225176 Advanced Physics Laboratory KM
4020225177 Foundations of Quantum Physics
4020225178 Theoretical Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
4020225178 Theoretical Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
4020225178 Theoretical Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
4020225178 Theoretical Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
4020225179 Physics at the LHC
4020225180 Applied Photonics
4020225180 Applied Photonics
4020225181 Introduction to Galactic Astronomy and Astrophysics
4020225182 Nanospectroscopy for energy relevant materials
4020225183 Introduction to the Physics of Macromolecules and Molecular Systems
4020225183 Introduction to the Physics of Macromolecules and Molecular Systems
4020225183 Introduction to the Physics of Macromolecules and Molecular Systems
4020225184 MB14 Physics 2 for students of biology (BBio, BioPH2) Lecture
4020225184 MB14 Physics 2 for students of biology (BBio, BioPH2) Lecture
4020225185 Introduction to Electron Microscopy
4020225185 Introduction to Electron Microscopy
4020225186 Current topics in electron microscopy
4020225186 Current topics in electron microscopy
4020225187 Optical Metrology
4020225187 Optical Metrology
4020225187 Optical Metrology
4020225187 Optical Metrology
4020225188 Joint Lab Integrierte Quantensensoren" (M. Krutzik)
4020225188 Joint Lab Integrierte Quantensensoren" (M. Krutzik)
4020225188 Joint Lab Integrierte Quantensensoren" (M. Krutzik)
4020225188 Joint Lab Integrierte Quantensensoren" (M. Krutzik)
4020225189 Cosmology (Observational)
4020225193 Novel Materials
4020225193 Novel Materials
4020225194 Quantum materials
4020225194 Quantum materials
4020225198 Quantum dynamics in strong laser fields
4020225198 Quantum dynamics in strong laser fields
4020225198 Quantum dynamics in strong laser fields
4020225199 Seminar on Neurophysics
4020225199 Seminar on Neurophysics
4020225200 Seminar for Nonlinear Dynamics and Statistical Physics
4020225200 Seminar for Nonlinear Dynamics and Statistical Physics
4020225202 Experimental Physics for Students of Chemistry
4020225202 Experimental Physics for Students of Chemistry
4020225202 Experimental Physics for Students of Chemistry
4020225203 Hörsaalkino
4020225204 Hybrid Optoelectronic Material Systems
4020225204 Hybrid Optoelectronic Material Systems
4020225204 Hybrid Optoelectronic Material Systems
4020225204 Hybrid Optoelectronic Material Systems
4020225204 Hybrid Optoelectronic Material Systems
4020225205 Statistical Methods of Data Analysis
4020225206 Peer Mentoring Programm
4020225207 Deine Perspektive in der Physik
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4020225203 Hörsaalkino
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© IRZ Physik, Version 2019.1.1 vom 24.09.2019