Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Department of Chemistry auf deutsch

in Arbeit, keine gültigen Zeiten/Räme
winter sem. 2024
Last update: 05.07.24 10:52:38

WS 2024 SS 2025
WS 2024
WS 2023 SS 2024
Department of Chemistry
open physics
KVL / Klausuren / MAP 1st HS: 14.10  2nd HS: 09.12  sem.br.: 17.02  begin SS: 13.04

2020245185 Ultrafast dynamics in condensed matter (Stähler group)      VVZ  

Mon 9-11
weekly BT2 / NEW14 AK-RAUM (0) Julia Stähler


classroom language
structure / topics / contents
Group seminar on current results of ultrafast spectroscopy for students working/collaborating with the electron dynamiX group (AK Stähler) or planning to do so

The seminar is held in English.
assigned modules
amount, credit points; Exam / major course assessment
2 SWS, 2 SP/ECTS (Arbeitsanteil im Modul für diese Lehrveranstaltung, nicht verbindlich)
active participation in the seminar discussions throughout the semester, logging of the own questions/comments & answers (briefly, not literally), hand-in of these record at the end of the semester
Contact julia.staehler@hu-berlin.de to get meeting ID and password!

Maximum number of participants: 30
Meeting takes place in room 0'306 in the department of chemistry.
julia.staehler@hu-berlin.de, BT2 0'308
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